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Author Index

Gabrilovich, Evgeniy

Constructing and Mining Web-Scale Knowledge Graphs: KDD 2014 Tutorial (Page 1967)

Knowledge Vault: A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion (Page 601)

Gadde, Akshay

Active Semi-Supervised Learning Using Sampling Theory for Graph Signals (Page 492)

Ganguly, Niloy

On the Permanence of Vertices in Network Communities (Page 1396)

Gao, Jing

Class-Distribution Regularized Consensus Maximization for Alleviating Overfitting in Model Combination (Page 303)

Garcia-Pueyo, Lluis

Up Next: Retrieval Methods for Large Scale Related Video Suggestion (Page 1769)

García-Soriano, David

Correlation Clustering: from Theory to Practice (Page 1972)

Ge, Yong

Exploiting Geographic Dependencies for Real Estate Appraisal: A Mutual Perspective of Ranking and Clustering (Page 1047)

Mobile App Recommendations with Security and Privacy Awareness (Page 951)

Proactive Workflow Modeling By Stochastic Processes with Application to Healthcare Operation and Management (Page 1593)

Geng, Wei

Proactive Workflow Modeling By Stochastic Processes with Application to Healthcare Operation and Management (Page 1593)

Getoor, Lise

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Ghalwash, Mohamed F.

Utilizing Temporal Patterns for Estimating Uncertainty in Interpretable Early Decision Making (Page 402)

Ghani, Rayid

Early Prediction of Code Blue Using Electronic Medical Records (Page 1917)

Industry & Government Track Welcome From Program Chairs

Ghassemi, Marzyeh

Unfolding Physiological State: Mortality Modelling in Intensive Care Units (Page 75)

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Ghassemi, Mohammad

Management and Analytic of Biomedical Big Data with Cloud-Based In-Memory Database and Dynamic Querying: A Hands-on Experience with Real-world Data (Page 1970)

Ghosh, Joydeep

LUDIA: an Aggregate-Constrained Low-Rank Reconstruction Algorithm to Leverage Publicly Released Health Data (Page 55)

Marble: High-Throughput Phenotyping from Electronic Health Records via Sparse Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (Page 115)

Ghosh, Rumi

The Interplay Between Dynamics and Networks: Centrality, Communities, and Cheeger Inequality (Page 1406)

Ghosh, Souvik

Budget Pacing for Targeted Online Advertisements at LinkedIn (Page 1613)

Gionis, Aristides

Event Detection in Activity Networks (Page 1176)

Glässer, Uwe

Spatially Embedded Co-Offence Prediction Using Supervised Learning (Page 1789)

Gleich, David F.

Heat Kernel Based Community Detection (Page 1386)

Goel, Ashish

FAST-Ppr: Scaling Personalized PageRank Estimation for Large Graphs (Page 1436)

Goh, Gin Howe

Identifying Tourists from Public Transport Commuters (Page 1779)

Goh, Siong Thye

Box Drawings for Learning with Imbalanced Data (Page 333)

Golshan, Behzad

Grouping Students in Educational Settings (Page 1017)

Profit-Maximizing Cluster Hires (Page 1196)

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Gómez Emilsson, Andrés

Sentiment Expression Conditioned by Affective Transitions and Social Forces (Page 1136)

Gong, Pinghua

Efficient Multi-Task Feature Learning with Calibration (Page 761)

Grabocka, Josif

Learning Time-Series Shapelets (Page 392)

Grey, Erin K.

Improving Management of Aquatic Invasions by Integrating Shipping Network, Ecological, and Environmental Data: Data Mining for Social Good (Page 1699)

Gu, Quanquan

ClusCite: Effective Citation Recommendationby Information Network-Based Clustering (Page 821)

Gu, Yupeng

Topic-Factorized Ideal Point Estimation Model for Legislative Voting Network (Page 183)

Gullo, Francesco

Core Decomposition of Uncertain Graphs (Page 1316)

Gulwani, Sumit

LaSEWeb: Automating Search Strategies over Semi-Structured Web Data (Page 741)

Günnemann, Nikou

Detecting Anomalies in Dynamic Rating Data: A Robust Probabilistic Model for Rating Evolution (Page 841)

Günnemann, Stephan

Detecting Anomalies in Dynamic Rating Data: A Robust Probabilistic Model for Rating Evolution (Page 841)

SMVC: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Clustering in Subspace Projections (Page 253)

Guo, Sheng

Modeling Mass Protest Adoption in Social Network Communities Using Geometric Brownian Motion (Page 1660)

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Guo, Yanwei

We Know What You Want to Buy: A Demographic-based System for Product Recommendation on Microblogs (Page 1935)

Gupta, Abhishek

Modeling Professional Similarity by Mining Professional Career Trajectories (Page 1945)

Gupta, Dipak

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Gupta, Pankaj

Large-Scale High-Precision Topic Modeling on Twitter (Page 1907)

Gupta, Rupesh

Activity Ranking in LinkedIn Feed (Page 1603)

Haas, Peter

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Hall, Rob

Style in the Long Tail: Discovering Unique Interests with Latent Variable Models in Large Scale Social E-Commerce (Page 1640)

Hämäläinen, Wilhelmiina

Statistically Sound Pattern Discovery (Page 1976)

Han, Jiawei

Bringing Structure to Text: Mining Phrases, Entities, Topics, and Hierarchies (Page 1968)

ClusCite: Effective Citation Recommendationby Information Network-Based Clustering (Page 821)

Towards Scalable Critical Alert Mining (Page 1057)

Harmsen, Jeremiah

Up Next: Retrieval Methods for Large Scale Related Video Suggestion (Page 1769)

Hartman, Joshua

Activity Ranking in LinkedIn Feed (Page 1603)

Hasan, Mahbub

User Effort Minimization Through Adaptive Diversification (Page 203)

He, Jingrui

Learning with Dual Heterogeneity: A Nonparametric Bayes Model (Page 582)

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He, Qi

Activity Ranking in LinkedIn Feed (Page 1603)

He, Xiao

Relevant Overlapping Subspace Clusters on Categorical Data (Page 213)

He, Xinran

GLAD: Group Anomaly Detection in Social Media Analysis (Page 372)

Stability of Influence Maximization (Page 1256)

He, Yulan

We Know What You Want to Buy: A Demographic-based System for Product Recommendation on Microblogs (Page 1935)

Heitz, Geremy

Knowledge Vault: A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion (Page 601)

Herodotou, Herodotos

Scalable Near Real-Time Failure Localization of Data Center Networks (Page 1689)

Ho, Joyce

Marble: High-Throughput Phenotyping from Electronic Health Records via Sparse Nonnegative Tensor Factorization (Page 115)

Hoi, Steven C.H.

Online Multiple Kernel Regression (Page 293)

Horn, Wilko

Knowledge Vault: A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion (Page 601)

Horner, Andrew

Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging Using Temporal and Personalized Topic Modeling (Page 721)

Horvitz, Eric

Data, Predictions, and Decisions in Support of People and Society (Page 2)

Hotta, Toru

Filling Context-Ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs (Page 1955)

Howard, Jeremy

Predictive Modeling in Practice (Page 1517)

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Hristidis, Vagelis

User Effort Minimization Through Adaptive Diversification (Page 203)

Hsu, Wynne

Entity Profiling with Varying Source Reliabilities (Page 1146)

Hu, Diane

Style in the Long Tail: Discovering Unique Interests with Latent Variable Models in Large Scale Social E-Commerce (Page 1640)

Hu, Jianying

From Micro to Macro: Data Driven Phenotyping by Densification of Longitudinal Electronic Medical Records (Page 135)

Hu, Juhua

Distance Metric Learning Using Dropout: A Structured Regularization Approach (Page 323)

Hu, Xia

MMrate: Inferring Multi-Aspect Diffusion Networks with Multi-Pattern Cascades (Page 1246)

Hua, Ting

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Huang, Bert

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Huang, Gao

Gradient Boosted Feature Selection (Page 522)

Huang, Heng

Clustering and Projected Clustering with Adaptive Neighbors (Page 977)

Large-Scale Adaptive Semi-Supervised Learning via Unified Inductive and Transductive Model (Page 482)

Hussain, Ishrar

Management and Analytic of Biomedical Big Data with Cloud-Based In-Memory Database and Dynamic Querying: A Hands-on Experience with Real-world Data (Page 1970)

Iglesias Sánchez, Patricia

Focused Clustering and Outlier Detection in Large Attributed Graphs (Page 1346)

Ikbal, Shajith

Predicting Student Risks Through Longitudinal Analysis (Page 1544)

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Ioannidis, Stratis

Optimal Recommendations Under Attraction, Aversion, and Social Influence (Page 811)

Iwata, Tomoharu

Probabilistic Latent Network Visualization: Inferring and Embedding Diffusion Networks (Page 1236)

Iyer, Anand

Activity Ranking in LinkedIn Feed (Page 1603)

Jagadeesh, Vignesh

Large Scale Visual Recommendations from Street Fashion Images (Page 1925)

Jagadish, H. V.

From Labor to Trader: Opinion Elicitation via Online Crowds as a Market (Page 1067)

Jiang, Geoff

Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization (Page 1336)

Jiang, Han

We Know What You Want to Buy: A Demographic-based System for Product Recommendation on Microblogs (Page 1935)

Jiang, Jing

Jointly Modeling Aspects, Ratings and Sentiments for Movie Recommendation (JMARS) (Page 193)

Jiang, Meng

CatchSync: Catching Synchronized Behavior in Large Directed Graphs (Page 941)

FEMA: Flexible Evolutionary Multi-Faceted Analysis for Dynamic Behavioral Pattern Discovery (Page 1186)

Jiang, Ning

Topic-Factorized Ideal Point Estimation Model for Legislative Voting Network (Page 183)

Jiang, Yexi

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Jin, Fang

Modeling Mass Protest Adoption in Social Network Communities Using Geometric Brownian Motion (Page 1660)

Jin, Rong

Distance Metric Learning Using Dropout: A Structured Regularization Approach (Page 323)

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Joachims, Thorsten

Methods for Ordinal Peer Grading (Page 1037)

Joshi, Rohit

Unfolding Physiological State: Mortality Modelling in Intensive Care Units (Page 75)

Josifovski, Vanja

Up Next: Retrieval Methods for Large Scale Related Video Suggestion (Page 1769)

Junqué de Fortuny, Enric

Corporate Residence Fraud Detection (Page 1650)

K., Vlad

Welcome from Bloomberg

Kalagnanam, Jayant

FoodSIS: A Text Mining System to Improve the State of Food Safety in Singapore (Page 1709)

Kaltenbrunner, Andreas

Core Decomposition of Uncertain Graphs (Page 1316)

Kang, Chanhyun

Fast Influence-based Coarsening for Large Networks (Page 1296)

Kannan, Anitha

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Kao, Ben

Who Are Experts Specializing in Landscape Photography? Analyzing Topic-Specific Authority on Content Sharing Services (Page 1506)

Kaplan, Lance M.

Analyzing Expert Behaviors in Collaborative Networks (Page 1486)

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Kapoor, Ashish

Active Learning for Sparse Bayesian Multilabel Classification (Page 472)

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Kapoor, Komal

A Hazard Based Approach to User Return Time Prediction (Page 1719)

Karbasi, Amin

Streaming Submodular Maximization: Massive Data Summarization on the Fly (Page 671)

Kashyap, Abhijith

User Effort Minimization Through Adaptive Diversification (Page 203)

Kate, Kiran

FoodSIS: A Text Mining System to Improve the State of Food Safety in Singapore (Page 1709)

Kato, Linda

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Katz, Graham

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi

Efficient SimRank Computation via Linearization (Page 1426)

Network Structural Analysis via Core-Tree-Decomposition (Page 1476)

Ke, Qifa

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Keller, Reuben P.

Improving Management of Aquatic Invasions by Integrating Shipping Network, Ecological, and Environmental Data: Data Mining for Social Good (Page 1699)

Kempe, David

Stability of Influence Maximization (Page 1256)

Khalil, Elias

Scalable Diffusion-Aware Optimization of Network Topology (Page 1226)

Khandelwal, Urvashi

ClusCite: Effective Citation Recommendationby Information Network-Based Clustering (Page 821)

Khandpur, Rupinder Paul

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Modeling Mass Protest Adoption in Social Network Communities Using Geometric Brownian Motion (Page 1660)

Kleinberg, Jon M.

Community Membership Identification from Small Seed Sets (Page 1366)

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Kloster, Kyle

Heat Kernel Based Community Detection (Page 1386)

Kloumann, Isabel M.

Community Membership Identification from Small Seed Sets (Page 1366)

Kohavi, Ron

Seven Rules of Thumb for Web Site Experimenters (Page 1857)

Kolar, Sumanth

Activity Ranking in LinkedIn Feed (Page 1603)

Kolcz, Alek

Large-Scale High-Precision Topic Modeling on Twitter (Page 1907)

Kompella, Ramana

Graph Sample and Hold: A Framework for Big-Graph Analytics (Page 1446)

Konte, Bettina

Relevant Overlapping Subspace Clusters on Categorical Data (Page 213)

Korkmaz, Gizem

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Kramer, Stefan

Prototype-based Learning on Concept-drifting Data Streams (Page 412)

Krause, Andreas

Streaming Submodular Maximization: Massive Data Summarization on the Fly (Page 671)

Kriegel, Hans-Peter

SigniTrend: Scalable Detection of Emerging Topics in Textual Streams by Hashed Significance Thresholds (Page 871)

Kuhlman, Chris

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Kumar, Ravi

Correlation Clustering in MapReduce (Page 641)

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Kuo, C.-C. Jay

Factorized Sparse Learning Models with Interpretable High Order Feature Interactions (Page 552)

Kurashima, Takeshi

Probabilistic Latent Network Visualization: Inferring and Embedding Diffusion Networks (Page 1236)

Kushnir, Dan

Active-Transductive Learning with Label-Adapted Kernels (Page 462)

Kusumoto, Mitsuru

Efficient SimRank Computation via Linearization (Page 1426)

Kyrillidis, Anastasios

Provable Deterministic Leverage Score Sampling (Page 997)

Labrie, Jacques J.

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Lakshmanan, Laks V.S.

Modeling Impression Discounting in Large-scale Recommender Systems (Page 1837)

On Social Event Organization (Page 1206)

Optimal Recommendations Under Attraction, Aversion, and Social Influence (Page 811)

Lan, Andrew S.

Time-Varying Learning and Content Analytics via Sparse Factor Analysis (Page 452)

Lao, Ni

Knowledge Vault: A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion (Page 601)

Lappas, Theodoros

Profit-Maximizing Cluster Hires (Page 1196)

Larochelle, Hugo

Leveraging User Libraries to Bootstrap Collaborative Filtering (Page 173)

Lauw, Hady W.

Semantic Visualization for Spherical Representation (Page 1007)

Le, Tuan M. V.

Semantic Visualization for Spherical Representation (Page 1007)

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Lee, Chia-Hoang

Online Chinese Restaurant Process (Page 591)

Lee, Jaewoo

Top-k Frequent Itemsets via Differentially Private FP-Trees (Page 931)

Lee, Mong Li

Entity Profiling with Varying Source Reliabilities (Page 1146)

Lee, Pei

Modeling Impression Discounting in Large-scale Recommender Systems (Page 1837)

Lei, Ming

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Lelarge, Marc

Balanced Graph Edge Partition (Page 1456)

Lelescu, Ana

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Lepikhin, Dima

Up Next: Retrieval Methods for Large Scale Related Video Suggestion (Page 1769)

Lerman, Kristina

The Interplay Between Dynamics and Networks: Centrality, Communities, and Cheeger Inequality (Page 1406)

Leskovec, Jure

Research Track Program Chairs’ Welcome

Lewis, Bryan

ISIS: A Networked-Epidemiology Based Pervasive Web App for Infectious Disease Pandemic Planning and Response (Page 1847)

Li, Aaron Q.

Reducing the Sampling Complexity of Topic Models (Page 891)

Li, Bin

Online Multiple Kernel Regression (Page 293)

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Li, Chung-Yi

Matching Users and Items Across Domains to Improve the Recommendation Quality (Page 801)

Li, Feifei

Scalable Histograms on Large Probabilistic Data (Page 631)

Li, Furong

Entity Profiling with Varying Source Reliabilities (Page 1146)

Li, Hongtai

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Li, Jingxuan

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Li, Keqian

On Social Event Organization (Page 1206)

Li, Lei

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Li, Liangda

Identifying and Labeling Search Tasks via Query-based Hawkes Processes (Page 731)

Li, Mu

Efficient Mini-Batch Training for Stochastic Optimization (Page 661)

Li, Tao

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Li, Xiaoming

We Know What You Want to Buy: A Demographic-based System for Product Recommendation on Microblogs (Page 1935)

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Li, Yang

Analyzing Expert Behaviors in Collaborative Networks (Page 1486)

Li, Yi

Improved Testing of Low Rank Matrices (Page 691)

Li, Zang

Modeling Professional Similarity by Mining Professional Career Trajectories (Page 1945)

Li, Zhoujun

MMrate: Inferring Multi-Aspect Diffusion Networks with Multi-Pattern Cascades (Page 1246)

Lian, Defu

GeoMF: Joint Geographical Modeling and Matrix Factorization for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 831)

Liang, Shangsong

Personalized Search Result Diversification via Structured Learning (Page 751)

Liberty, Edo

Correlation Clustering: from Theory to Practice (Page 1972)

Lichman, Moshe

Modeling Human Location Data with Mixtures of Kernel Densities (Page 35)

Lichtarge, Olivier

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Lin, Allen

Early Prediction of Code Blue Using Electronic Medical Records (Page 1917)

Lin, Chieh-Yen

Incremental and Decremental Training for Linear Classification (Page 343)

Lin, Chih-Jen

Incremental and Decremental Training for Linear Classification (Page 343)

Lin, Chin-Yew

COM: A Generative Model for Group Recommendation (Page 163)

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Lin, Dahua

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Lin, Derek

Unveiling Clusters of Events for Alert and Incident Management in Large-Scale Enterprise IT (Page 1630)

Lin, Qingwei

Correlating Events with Time Series for Incident Diagnosis (Page 1583)

Lin, Shou-De

Matching Users and Items Across Domains to Improve the Recommendation Quality (Page 801)

Lisewski, Andreas Martin

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Liu, Bing

Mining Topics in Documents: Standing on the Shoulders of Big Data (Page 1116)

Liu, Bo

Scalable Heterogeneous Translated Hashing (Page 791)

Liu, Chien-Liang

Online Chinese Restaurant Process (Page 591)

Liu, Chuanren

Proactive Workflow Modeling By Stochastic Processes with Application to Healthcare Operation and Management (Page 1593)

Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization (Page 1336)

Liu, Guannan

A Cost-Effective Recommender System for Taxi Drivers (Page 45)

Liu, Huan

Recommendation in Social Media: Recent Advances and New Frontiers (Page 1977)

Liu, Jialu

ClusCite: Effective Citation Recommendationby Information Network-Based Clustering (Page 821)

Liu, Jun

Safe and Efficient Screening for Sparse Support Vector Machine (Page 542)

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Liu, Junming

A Cost-Effective Recommender System for Taxi Drivers (Page 45)

Liu, Ling

Activity-edge Centric Multi-label Classification for Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks (Page 1276)

Liu, Yan

FBLG: A Simple and Effective Approach for Temporal Dependence Discovery from Time Series Data (Page 382)

GLAD: Group Anomaly Detection in Social Media Analysis (Page 372)

Parallel Gibbs Sampling for Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes via Gamma Processes Equivalence (Page 562)

Liu, Yanchi

Community Detection in Graphs through Correlation (Page 1376)

Liu, Yashu

An Efficient Algorithm for Weak Hierarchical Lasso (Page 283)

Lodge, David M.

Improving Management of Aquatic Invasions by Integrating Shipping Network, Ecological, and Environmental Data: Data Mining for Social Good (Page 1699)

Lofgren, Peter

FAST-Ppr: Scaling Personalized PageRank Estimation for Large Graphs (Page 1436)

Loh, Ji Meng

Empirical Glitch Explanations (Page 572)

Longbotham, Roger

Seven Rules of Thumb for Web Site Experimenters (Page 1857)

Lou, Jian-Guang

Correlating Events with Time Series for Incident Diagnosis (Page 1583)

Lu, Chang-Tien

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Lu, Haibing

Community Detection in Graphs through Correlation (Page 1376)

Lu, Jian

Predicting Long-Term Impact of CQA Posts: A Comprehensive Viewpoint (Page 1496)

Lu, Wei

On Social Event Organization (Page 1206)

Optimal Recommendations Under Attraction, Aversion, and Social Influence (Page 811)

Lu, Wentian

Exponential Random Graph Estimation under Differential Privacy (Page 921)

Lui, John C. S.

Product Selection Problem: Improve Market Share by Learning Consumer Behavior (Page 851)

Luo, Chen

Correlating Events with Time Series for Incident Diagnosis (Page 1583)