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Author Index

T. Mai, Son

Relevant Overlapping Subspace Clusters on Categorical Data (Page 213)

Tagami, Yukihiro

Filling Context-Ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs (Page 1955)

Tajima, Akira

Filling Context-Ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs (Page 1955)

Takaya, Noriko

Probabilistic Latent Network Visualization: Inferring and Embedding Diffusion Networks (Page 1236)

Talukdar, Partha Pratim

Good-Enough Brain Model: Challenges, Algorithms and Discoveries in Multi-Subject Experiments (Page 95)

Tamersoy, Acar

Guilt by Association: Large Scale Malware Detection by Mining File-relation Graphs (Page 1524)

Tamhane, Ashay

Predicting Student Risks Through Longitudinal Analysis (Page 1544)

Tan, Ben

Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging Using Temporal and Personalized Topic Modeling (Page 721)

Tan, Kian-Lee

Differentially Private Network Data Release via Structural Inference (Page 911)

Tan, Shulong

Analyzing Expert Behaviors in Collaborative Networks (Page 1486)

Tanaka, Yusuke

Filling Context-Ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs (Page 1955)

Tang, Jie

Inferring User Demographics and Social Strategies in Mobile Social Networks (Page 15)

Recommendation in Social Media: Recent Advances and New Frontiers (Page 1977)

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Tang, Jiliang

Recommendation in Social Media: Recent Advances and New Frontiers (Page 1977)

Tang, Liang

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Tang, Mingwang

Scalable Histograms on Large Probabilistic Data (Page 631)

Tao, Dacheng

Multi-Task Copula By Sparse Graph Regression (Page 771)

Networked Bandits with Disjoint Linear Payoffs (Page 1106)

Tao, Shu

Analyzing Expert Behaviors in Collaborative Networks (Page 1486)

Tatti, Nikolaj

Event Detection in Activity Networks (Page 1176)

Tayebi, Mohammad A.

Spatially Embedded Co-Offence Prediction Using Supervised Learning (Page 1789)

Teng, Shang-Hua

The Interplay Between Dynamics and Networks: Centrality, Communities, and Cheeger Inequality (Page 1406)

Terzi, Evimaria

Grouping Students in Educational Settings (Page 1017)

Profit-Maximizing Cluster Hires (Page 1196)

Tesconi, Maurizio

EARS (Earthquake Alert and Report System): A Real Time Decision Support System for Earthquake Crisis Management (Page 1749)

Tian, Guangjian

Supervised Deep Learning with Auxiliary Networks (Page 353)

Ting, Daniel

Streamed Approximate Counting of Distinct Elements: Beating Optimal Batch Methods (Page 442)

Tiwari, Mitul

Modeling Impression Discounting in Large-scale Recommender Systems (Page 1837)

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Tong, Hanghang

Inside the Atoms: Ranking on a Network of Networks (Page 1356)

Predicting Long-Term Impact of CQA Posts: A Comprehensive Viewpoint (Page 1496)

Tong, Wenzhu

Inferring Gas Consumption and Pollution Emission of Vehicles Throughout a City (Page 1027)

Tong, Yongxin

TCS: Efficient Topic Discovery Over Crowd-Oriented Service Data (Page 861)

Triantafillou, Peter

Scaling Out Big Data Missing Value Imputations: Pythia vs. Godzilla (Page 651)

Trinh, Khoa

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Tsai, Cheng-Hao

Incremental and Decremental Training for Linear Classification (Page 343)

Tsai, Tsung-Hsun

Online Chinese Restaurant Process (Page 591)

Tsaparas, Panayiotis

Using Strong Triadic Closure to Characterize Ties in Social Networks (Page 1466)

Tsotras, Vassilis

User Effort Minimization Through Adaptive Diversification (Page 203)

Tsukamoto, Koji

Filling Context-Ad Vocabulary Gaps with Click Logs (Page 1955)

Tsytsarau, Mikalai

Dynamics of News Events and Social Media Reaction (Page 901)

Turaga, Deepak

Class-Distribution Regularized Consensus Maximization for Alleviating Overfitting in Model Combination (Page 303)

Uyttendaele, Matt

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

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van der Putten, Peter

Large Scale Predictive Modeling for Micro-Simulation of 3G Air Interface Load (Page 1620)

Vanderwende, Lucy

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Varma, Manik

Active Learning for Sparse Bayesian Multilabel Classification (Page 472)

FastXML: A Fast, Accurate and Stable Tree-Classifier for eXtreme Multi-label Learning (Page 263)

Varshney, Kush R.

Predicting Employee Expertise for Talent Management in the Enterprise (Page 1729)

Targeting Direct Cash Transfers to the Extremely Poor (Page 1563)

Vasisht, Deepak

Active Learning for Sparse Bayesian Multilabel Classification (Page 472)

Voelker, Geoffrey M.

Knock It Off: Profiling the Online Storefronts of Counterfeit Merchandise (Page 1759)

Vojnovic, Milan

Balanced Graph Edge Partition (Page 1456)

Volkovich, Yana

Core Decomposition of Uncertain Graphs (Page 1316)

Vullikanti, Anil Kumar S.

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Computational Epidemiology (Page 1969)

Waltzman, Rand

Information Environment Security (Page 1521)

Wan, Chang

Who Are Experts Specializing in Landscape Photography? Analyzing Topic-Specific Authority on Content Sharing Services (Page 1506)

Wang, Bingsheng

Novel Geospatial Interpolation Analytics for General Meteorological Measurements (Page 1553)

Wang, Bingyu

Topic-Factorized Ideal Point Estimation Model for Legislative Voting Network (Page 183)

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Wang, Chi

Bringing Structure to Text: Mining Phrases, Entities, Topics, and Hierarchies (Page 1968)

Wang, Chong

Jointly Modeling Aspects, Ratings and Sentiments for Movie Recommendation (JMARS) (Page 193)

Wang, Dashun

Quantifying Herding Effects in Crowd Wisdom (Page 1087)

Wang, De

Large-Scale Adaptive Semi-Supervised Learning via Unified Inductive and Transductive Model (Page 482)

Wang, Fei

Clinical Risk Prediction with Multilinear Sparse Logistic Regression (Page 145)

FEMA: Flexible Evolutionary Multi-Faceted Analysis for Dynamic Behavioral Pattern Discovery (Page 1186)

From Micro to Macro: Data Driven Phenotyping by Densification of Longitudinal Electronic Medical Records (Page 135)

Quantifying Herding Effects in Crowd Wisdom (Page 1087)

Unsupervised Learning of Disease Progression Models (Page 85)

Wang, Jialei

Active Collaborative Permutation Learning (Page 502)

Wang, Jianyong

A Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model-Based Approach for Short Text Clustering (Page 233)

Wang, Jie

An Efficient Algorithm for Weak Hierarchical Lasso (Page 283)

Wang, Jun

An Empirical Study of Reserve Price Optimisation in Real-Time Bidding (Page 1897)

Optimal Real-Time Bidding for Display Advertising (Page 1077)

Predicting Employee Expertise for Talent Management in the Enterprise (Page 1729)

Wang, Lidan

ClusCite: Effective Citation Recommendationby Information Network-Based Clustering (Page 821)

Wang, Pengnian

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Wang, Qin

Detecting Moving Object Outliers in Massive-Scale Trajectory Streams (Page 422)

Wang, Senzhang

MMrate: Inferring Multi-Aspect Diffusion Networks with Multi-Pattern Cascades (Page 1246)

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Wang, Shaojun

A Multi-Class Boosting Method with Direct Optimization (Page 273)

Wang, Shusen

Improving the Modified Nyström Method Using Spectral Shifting (Page 611)

Wang, Ting

Quantifying Herding Effects in Crowd Wisdom (Page 1087)

Wang, Wei

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Research Track Program Chairs’ Welcome

Wang, Xiang

Clinical Risk Prediction with Multilinear Sparse Logistic Regression (Page 145)

Unsupervised Learning of Disease Progression Models (Page 85)

Wang, Xiaoqian

Clustering and Projected Clustering with Adaptive Neighbors (Page 977)

Wang, Xin-Jing

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Wang, Yajun

Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a Social Network (Page 1306)

Wang, Yilun

Travel Time Estimation of a Path Using Sparse Trajectories (Page 25)

Wang, Zhe

Correlating Events with Time Series for Incident Diagnosis (Page 1583)

Wang, Zhengyu

Improved Testing of Low Rank Matrices (Page 691)

Wang, Zhuang

Log-based Predictive Maintenance (Page 1867)

Webb, Geoffrey I.

Does Social Good Justify Risking Personal Privacy? (Page 1965)

Statistically Sound Pattern Discovery (Page 1976)

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Wei, Kai

Budget Pacing for Targeted Online Advertisements at LinkedIn (Page 1613)

Wei, Ying

Scalable Heterogeneous Translated Hashing (Page 791)

Weikum, Gerhard

People on Drugs: Credibility of User Statements in Health Communities (Page 65)

Weiler, Michael

SigniTrend: Scalable Detection of Emerging Topics in Textual Streams by Hashed Significance Thresholds (Page 871)

Weinberger, Kilian Q.

Fast Flux Discriminant for Large-Scale Sparse Nonlinear Classification (Page 621)

Gradient Boosted Feature Selection (Page 522)

Wickramarathne, Thanuka L.

Improving Management of Aquatic Invasions by Integrating Shipping Network, Ecological, and Environmental Data: Data Mining for Social Good (Page 1699)

Wilkins, Angela D.

Automated Hypothesis Generation Based on Mining Scientific Literature (Page 1877)

Williams, Melinda Han

Scalable Hands-Free Transfer Learning for Online Advertising (Page 1573)

Wistuba, Martin

Learning Time-Series Shapelets (Page 392)

Woodruff, David P.

Improved Testing of Low Rank Matrices (Page 691)

Wu, Bin

Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging Using Temporal and Personalized Topic Modeling (Page 721)

Wu, Chao-Yuan

Jointly Modeling Aspects, Ratings and Sentiments for Movie Recommendation (JMARS) (Page 193)

Wu, Huayu

Identifying Tourists from Public Transport Commuters (Page 1779)

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Wu, Yinghui

Towards Scalable Critical Alert Mining (Page 1057)

Wu, Yuexin

We Know What You Want to Buy: A Demographic-based System for Product Recommendation on Microblogs (Page 1935)

Xia, Tian

A Multi-Class Boosting Method with Direct Optimization (Page 273)

Xiang, Shuo

Simultaneous Feature and Feature Group Selection Through Hard Thresholding (Page 532)

Xiao, Keli

Proactive Workflow Modeling By Stochastic Processes with Application to Healthcare Operation and Management (Page 1593)

Xiao, Qian

Differentially Private Network Data Release via Structural Inference (Page 911)

Xie, Sihong

Class-Distribution Regularized Consensus Maximization for Alleviating Overfitting in Model Combination (Page 303)

Xie, Xing

GeoMF: Joint Geographical Modeling and Matrix Factorization for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 831)

Xiong, Hui

A Cost-Effective Recommender System for Taxi Drivers (Page 45)

Exploiting Geographic Dependencies for Real Estate Appraisal: A Mutual Perspective of Ranking and Clustering (Page 1047)

Mobile App Recommendations with Security and Privacy Awareness (Page 951)

Proactive Workflow Modeling By Stochastic Processes with Application to Healthcare Operation and Management (Page 1593)

Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization (Page 1336)

Xiong, Jinjun

Novel Geospatial Interpolation Analytics for General Meteorological Measurements (Page 1553)

Xu, Feng

Predicting Long-Term Impact of CQA Posts: A Comprehensive Viewpoint (Page 1496)

Xu, Jian

Improving Management of Aquatic Invasions by Integrating Shipping Network, Ecological, and Environmental Data: Data Mining for Social Good (Page 1699)

Xu, Silei

Product Selection Problem: Improve Market Share by Learning Consumer Behavior (Page 851)

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Xu, Xinran

FEMA: Flexible Evolutionary Multi-Faceted Analysis for Dynamic Behavioral Pattern Discovery (Page 1186)

Xu, Ya

Seven Rules of Thumb for Web Site Experimenters (Page 1857)

Xu, Ye

Modeling Professional Similarity by Mining Professional Career Trajectories (Page 1945)

Xu, Zhixiang Eddie

Gradient Boosted Feature Selection (Page 522)

Xuan Vinh, Nguyen

Effective Global Approaches for Mutual Information Based Feature Selection (Page 512)

Xue, Mingqiang

Identifying Tourists from Public Transport Commuters (Page 1779)

Xue, Wei

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Xue, Yexiang

Travel Time Estimation of a Path Using Sparse Trajectories (Page 25)

Yan, Jinyun

LASTA: Large Scale Topic Assignment on Multiple Social Networks (Page 1809)

Yan, Xiaoran

The Interplay Between Dynamics and Networks: Centrality, Communities, and Cheeger Inequality (Page 1406)

Yan, Xifeng

Analyzing Expert Behaviors in Collaborative Networks (Page 1486)

Network Mining and Analysis for Social Applications (Page 1974)

Towards Scalable Critical Alert Mining (Page 1057)

Yang, Hongxia

Learning with Dual Heterogeneity: A Nonparametric Bayes Model (Page 582)

Yang, Qiang

Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging Using Temporal and Personalized Topic Modeling (Page 721)

Scalable Heterogeneous Translated Hashing (Page 791)

Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization (Page 1336)

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Yang, Shiqiang

CatchSync: Catching Synchronized Behavior in Large Directed Graphs (Page 941)

FEMA: Flexible Evolutionary Multi-Faceted Analysis for Dynamic Behavioral Pattern Discovery (Page 1186)

Yang, Shuang-Hong

Large-Scale High-Precision Topic Modeling on Twitter (Page 1907)

Yang, Tao

Simultaneous Feature and Feature Group Selection Through Hard Thresholding (Page 532)

Yang, Yang

Inferring User Demographics and Social Strategies in Mobile Social Networks (Page 15)

Inferring User Demographics and Social Strategies in Mobile Social Networks (Page 15)

Yao, Yuan

Predicting Long-Term Impact of CQA Posts: A Comprehensive Viewpoint (Page 1496)

Yao, Zijun

Exploiting Geographic Dependencies for Real Estate Appraisal: A Mutual Perspective of Ranking and Clustering (Page 1047)

Ye, Jieping

An Efficient Algorithm for Weak Hierarchical Lasso (Page 283)

Efficient Multi-Task Feature Learning with Calibration (Page 761)

From Micro to Macro: Data Driven Phenotyping by Densification of Longitudinal Electronic Medical Records (Page 135)

Simultaneous Feature and Feature Group Selection Through Hard Thresholding (Page 532)

Ye, Tao

A Hazard Based Approach to User Return Time Prediction (Page 1719)

Yerebakan, Halid Ziya

Batch Discovery of Recurring Rare Classes Toward Identifying Anomalous Samples (Page 223)

Yin, Jianhua

A Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model-Based Approach for Short Text Clustering (Page 233)

Yoshida, Yuichi

Almost Linear-Time Algorithms for Adaptive Betweenness Centrality Using Hypergraph Sketches (Page 1416)

You, Siyu

Budget Pacing for Targeted Online Advertisements at LinkedIn (Page 1613)

Yu, Cong

On Social Event Organization (Page 1206)

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Yu, Jin

Unveiling Clusters of Events for Alert and Incident Management in Large-Scale Enterprise IT (Page 1630)

Yu, Philip S.

Class-Distribution Regularized Consensus Maximization for Alleviating Overfitting in Model Combination (Page 303)

Meta-Path Based Multi-Network Collective Link Prediction (Page 1286)

MMrate: Inferring Multi-Aspect Diffusion Networks with Multi-Pattern Cascades (Page 1246)

Yu, Rose

GLAD: Group Anomaly Detection in Social Media Analysis (Page 372)

Yu, Xiao

ClusCite: Effective Citation Recommendationby Information Network-Based Clustering (Page 821)

Yu, Yanwei

Detecting Moving Object Outliers in Massive-Scale Trajectory Streams (Page 422)

Yu, Yong

Inferring Gas Consumption and Pollution Emission of Vehicles Throughout a City (Page 1027)

Yuan, Quan

COM: A Generative Model for Group Recommendation (Page 163)

Yuan, Shuai

An Empirical Study of Reserve Price Optimisation in Real-Time Bidding (Page 1897)

Optimal Real-Time Bidding for Display Advertising (Page 1077)

Zavorin, Ilya

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Zemel, Richard S.

Leveraging User Libraries to Bootstrap Collaborative Filtering (Page 173)

Zeng, Chunqiu

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Zettlemoyer, Luke

Open Question Answering Over Curated and Extracted Knowledge Bases (Page 1156)

Zha, Hongyuan

Identifying and Labeling Search Tasks via Query-based Hawkes Processes (Page 731)

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Zhai, Shaodan

A Multi-Class Boosting Method with Direct Optimization (Page 273)

Zhang, Chao

Improving the Modified Nyström Method Using Spectral Shifting (Page 611)

Zhang, Dongmei

Correlating Events with Time Series for Incident Diagnosis (Page 1583)

Zhang, Jialin

Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a Social Network (Page 1306)

Zhang, Jiawei

Meta-Path Based Multi-Network Collective Link Prediction (Page 1286)

Zhang, Junbo

Supervised Deep Learning with Auxiliary Networks (Page 353)

Zhang, Kai

Temporal Skeletonization on Sequential Data: Patterns, Categorization, and Visualization (Page 1336)

Zhang, Lei

Mining Text Snippets for Images on the Web (Page 1534)

Zhang, Liang

Activity Ranking in LinkedIn Feed (Page 1603)

Zhang, Peng

Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a Social Network (Page 1306)

Zhang, Ping

Clinical Risk Prediction with Multilinear Sparse Logistic Regression (Page 145)

Zhang, Quanshi

Prediction of Human Emergency Behavior and Their Mobility Following Large-scale Disaster (Page 5)

Zhang, Teng

Large Margin Distribution Machine (Page 313)

Efficient Mini-Batch Training for Stochastic Optimization (Page 661)

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Zhang, Wei

Knowledge Vault: A Web-Scale Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge Fusion (Page 601)

Zhang, Weinan

Optimal Real-Time Bidding for Display Advertising (Page 1077)

Zhang, Xiang

Inside the Atoms: Ranking on a Network of Networks (Page 1356)

Zhang, Yao

Fast Influence-based Coarsening for Large Networks (Page 1296)

Zhang, Zhihua

Improving the Modified Nyström Method Using Spectral Shifting (Page 611)

Zhao, Cong

GeoMF: Joint Geographical Modeling and Matrix Factorization for Point-of-Interest Recommendation (Page 831)

Zhao, Liang

Beating the News' with EMBERS: Forecasting Civil Unrest Using Open Source Indicators (Page 1799)

Zhao, Wayne Xin

We Know What You Want to Buy: A Demographic-based System for Product Recommendation on Microblogs (Page 1935)

Zhao, Zheng

Safe and Efficient Screening for Sparse Support Vector Machine (Page 542)

Zhen, Yi

Scalable Heterogeneous Translated Hashing (Page 791)

Zheng, Alice X.

Gradient Boosted Feature Selection (Page 522)

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Zheng, Li

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Zheng, Yu

Exploiting Geographic Dependencies for Real Estate Appraisal: A Mutual Perspective of Ranking and Clustering (Page 1047)

Inferring Gas Consumption and Pollution Emission of Vehicles Throughout a City (Page 1027)

Travel Time Estimation of a Path Using Sparse Trajectories (Page 25)

Zhong, Erheng

Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging Using Temporal and Personalized Topic Modeling (Page 721)

Zhou, Jiayu

Efficient Multi-Task Feature Learning with Calibration (Page 761)

From Micro to Macro: Data Driven Phenotyping by Densification of Longitudinal Electronic Medical Records (Page 135)

Zhou, Mianwei

Unifying Learning to Rank and Domain Adaptation: Enabling Cross-Task Document Scoring (Page 781)

Zhou, Tianyi

Multi-Task Copula By Sparse Graph Regression (Page 771)

Zhou, Wubai

Applying Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Process Optimization Needs in Advanced Manufacturing (Page 1739)

Zhou, Yang

Activity-edge Centric Multi-label Classification for Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks (Page 1276)

Zhou, Zhi-Hua

Exploiting Geographic Dependencies for Real Estate Appraisal: A Mutual Perspective of Ranking and Clustering (Page 1047)

Large Margin Distribution Machine (Page 313)

Meta-Path Based Multi-Network Collective Link Prediction (Page 1286)

Zhu, Feida

Network Mining and Analysis for Social Applications (Page 1974)

Zhu, Hengshu

A Cost-Effective Recommender System for Taxi Drivers (Page 45)

Mobile App Recommendations with Security and Privacy Awareness (Page 951)

Zhu, Shenghuo

Distance Metric Learning Using Dropout: A Structured Regularization Approach (Page 323)

Zhu, Wenwu

FEMA: Flexible Evolutionary Multi-Faceted Analysis for Dynamic Behavioral Pattern Discovery (Page 1186)

Zimek, Arthur

Representative Clustering of Uncertain Data (Page 243)

Zoeter, Onno

New Algorithms for Parking Demand Management and a City Scale Deployment (Page 1819)

Zong, Bo

Towards Scalable Critical Alert Mining (Page 1057)

Züfle, Andreas

Representative Clustering of Uncertain Data (Page 243)