Downloadable Resources: DynaSIN: Integration of Protein Motions with Molecular Networks


DynaSIN Main Page

Downloadable Resources



Gerstein Lab

Paper PDF

Supporting Information PDF

Domains Data

Domains listing for all, singlish-interface and multiple-hubs. Here is the README file.

Interaction Data

XML and the README

Tab-separated text and the README

Dynamics Data

XML and the README

Tab-separated text and the README

E coli Data

Tab-separated text for E coli SIN

Tab-separated text for E coli PPI

E coli data files README

Nitin Bhardwaj, Alexej Abyzov, Declan Clarke, Chong Shou, and Mark B. Gerstein (2011) Integration of protein motions with molecular networks reveals different mechanisms for permanent and transient interactions. Protein Science 20:1745-1754.

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