For aggregation, correlation, and saturation of signal tracks from genomic experiments

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NOTE: Updated 6/11/14 to handle an issue with --mbins tag and '-' strand annotations

Python script [agg-py (new 6/11/14)], the main download, includes small example files and full documentation. Runs efficiently on large data sets. Sample data used in the ACT paper found here: [agg-examples].

Other versions [agg-old]. Other drafts of code downloads (in Perl, C++, Matlab).

Prototype website [web-act], with sample run files, but limited to small data. Genomic Signal Aggregator [agg-gsa-web], also for limited data sets, but with some extra visualization features.

Gallery [gallery] for aggregation, contains explanatory powerpoint and example figures generated using a variety of methods.

Contact: jjmg [at]