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PsychENCODE Interactive Portal for the Integrative Analysis

Cross Disorder Analysis Website (focussing on network visualization)

The cross disorder analysis website is an interactive portal that provides comprehensive access to the results of Gandal et al. 2018: Cross Disorder Capstone 2018 »

QTL queries on Reference Sets (hg19 assembly)

These queries have been disabled. The last seen screenshot of this feature can be found here.

Visualization of Networks Associated with Prioritized Modules

Interactive visualizations are available for some of the modules prioritized in SCZ: Prioritized-Module Network Visualization »

PEC Enhancers and QTLs in UCSC Genome Browser

Browse the genome tracks for the PEC enhancers, eQTLS, cQTLs, isoQTLs, and fQTLs in the UCSC Genome browser (opens link to Genome Browser in new tab): PEC DLPFC enhancers and QTLs (hg19) and PEC DLPFC enhancers and QTLs (hg38 assembly)

Hi-C Data Browser Hosted on the Washington University Epigenome Browser

Hi-C contact map showing observed pairwise linkages between gemoic regions: WashU Hi-C Browser »