Development of Arabidopsis Protein Chip
List of Publications

Research Articles

Popescu, S. C, Popescu, G. V., Bachan, S., Zhang, Z., Gerstein, M., Snyder, M., and Dinesh-Kumar, S.P. (2008) MAPK target networks in Arabidopsis thaliana revealed using functional protein microarrays. Genes & Development 2008 Dec 18. [Abstract]

Popescu, S. C, Popescu, G. V., Bachan, S., Zhang, Z., Seay, M., Gerstein, M., Snyder, M., and Dinesh-Kumar, S.P. (2007) Differential binding of calmodulin related proteins to their targets revealed using high-density Arabidopsis protein microarrays. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104:4730-4735. [Abstract]

Popescu, S. C, Snyder, M., and Dinesh-Kumar, S.P. (2007) Arabidopsis protein microarrays for the high-throughput identification of protein-protein interactions. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2: Issue 5. [Abstract]

Relevant Reviews

Hall DA, Ptacek J, Snyder M. (2007) Protein microarray technology. Mech Ageing Dev. 2007 Jan;128(1):161-167. [Abstract]

Kung LA, Snyder M. (2006) Proteome chips for whole-organism assays. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 7:617-622. [Abstract]

Ptacek J, Snyder M. (2006) Charging it up: global analysis of protein phosphorylation. Trends Genet. 22:545-554. [Abstract]