ORF name Slide_Ave_Signal(before GST) Pro_pro interaction Known substrate localization Essentiality MIPS annotation Common name SGD annotation YBL007C 7367.67 0 0 actin && cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - SLA1 actin cortical patch (sensu Saccharomyces) cytoskeletal protein binding cytoskeletal protein binding actin cortical patch assembly actin filament organization actin filament organization cell wall organization and biogenesis endocytosis endocytosis polar budding YKR021W 4988.21 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YOR344C 9686.6 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus - - TYE7 YLR258W 20209.2 0 0 punctate composite && cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - GSY2 cytoplasm glycogen (starch) synthase glycogen (starch) synthase glycogen (starch) synthase glycogen metabolism glycogen metabolism glycogen metabolism YPL077C 16693.52 0 0 punctate composite && cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YIL038C 9362.89 0 0 cytoplasm - - NOT3 YLR319C 10423.43 0 0 cell periphery && bud neck && cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - BUD6 actin cap (sensu Saccharomyces) polarisome cytoskeletal regulatory protein binding Rho protein signal transduction actin filament organization bud site selection bud site selection cytokinesis establishment of cell polarity (sensu Saccharomyces) establishment of cell polarity (sensu Saccharomyces) polar budding response to osmotic stress YKL159C 10544.31 0 0 cell periphery && bud neck && cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - RCN1 calcineurin complex "calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase, regulator" "calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase, regulator" "calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase, regulator" calcium-mediated signaling YMR165C 9120.15 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - SMP2 cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown aerobic respiration plasmid maintenance YJR125C 5237.72 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - ENT3 actin cortical patch (sensu Saccharomyces) clathrin vesicle coat cytoskeletal adaptor Golgi to endosome transport actin cortical patch assembly actin filament organization endocytosis YAL028W 9669.16 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YNL074C 10022.56 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - MLF3 cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown response to drug YJR072C 7782.53 0 0 cytoplasm Essentail Genes - molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YJR049C 6188.56 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - UTR1 cellular_component unknown NAD+ kinase iron ion homeostasis nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphorylation and dephosphorylation YKL093W 27754.88 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - MBR1 cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown aerobic respiration YLR047C 14964.11 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YDR323C 13992.64 0 0 endosome - - PEP7 YFL034W 4344.24 0 0 Ambiguous Non-essen Genes - cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YDR134C 11770.66 0 0 Ambiguous Non-essen Genes - cell wall (sensu Fungi) molecular_function unknown biological_process unknown YJL146W 5093.45 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - IDS2 cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown meiosis YIL135C 8025.94 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes - VHS2 cellular_component unknown molecular_function unknown G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle YKL185W 5823.12 0 0 nucleus - - ASH1 YCR073W-A 3737.28 0 0 nucleus Non-essen Genes - YML064C 4775.77 0 0 spindle pole && punctate composite Essentail Genes 61.21.99 TEM1 spindle pole body small monomeric GTPase M phase of mitotic cell cycle signal transduction YGL035C 4219.3 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes 201.21.21 MIG1 cytoplasm nucleus specific RNA polymerase II transcription factor glucose metabolism regulation of transcription from Pol II promoter YPL203W 3096.31 0 0 nucleus Non-essen Genes 161.11.11 TPK2 cAMP-dependent protein kinase complex cytoplasm cAMP-dependent protein kinase protein serine/threonine kinase RAS protein signal transduction protein amino acid phosphorylation pseudohyphal growth YPL100W 3921.68 0 0 endosome && Ambiguous Non-essen Genes - MAI1 cytosol vacuolar membrane (sensu Fungi) molecular_function unknown vacuolar protein processing/maturation YGL134W 5981.89 0 0 cytoplasm Non-essen Genes 51.31 PCL10 cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex "cyclin-dependent protein kinase, regulator" "cyclin-dependent protein kinase, regulator" regulation of glycogen biosynthesis regulation of glycogen biosynthesis regulation of glycogen catabolism YML058W 3686.33 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - SML1 enzyme inhibitor molecular_function unknown mitochondrion organization and biogenesis response to DNA damage YIL033C 4708.31 0 0 cytoplasm && nucleus Non-essen Genes - BCY1 cytoplasm nucleus cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor pseudohyphal growth response to heat response to stress signal transduction YDR207C 3506.98 0 0 nucleus Non-essen Genes 201.21.31 UME6 nucleus DNA binding transcription regulator transcription regulator entry into meiosis "negative regulation of transcription, mitotic"