Description of supplementary data

PIE.tar (file archive)

Each filename represents the name of a protein (ORF).

In each file:
Column 1: Partner protein name (ORF)
Column 2: Likelihood ratio of protein pair in Gavin et al. dataset (or 0 if pair not present in this dataset)
Column 3: Likelihood ratio of protein pair in Ho et al. dataset (or 0 if not present in Gavin et al. dataset)
Column 4: Likelihood ratio of protein pair in Uetz et al. dataset (or 0 if not present in Gavin et al. dataset)
Column 5: Likelihood ratio of protein pair in Ito et al. dataset (or 0 if not present in Gavin et al. dataset)
Column 6: Likelihood ratio LPIE for combination of datasets (see supplementary table S2)

L_cut_PIE_600.tar (file archive)

Same format as "PIE.tar" except that only protein pairs are listed for which LPIE > 600.

L_cut_PIE_300.tar (file archive)

Same format as "PIE.tar" except that only protein pairs are listed for which LPIE > 300.

PIP.tar (file archive)

Each filename represents the name of a protein (ORF).

In each file:
Column 1: Partner protein name (ORF)
Column 2: Likelihood ratio in essentiality dataset (see supplementary table S1)
Column 3: Likelihood ratio in MIPS functional similarity dataset (see supplementary table S1)
Column 4: Likelihood ratio in GO biological process functional similarity dataset (see supplementary table S1)
Column 5: Likelihood ratio in mRNA expression dataset (see supplementary table S1)
Column 6: Likelihood ratio LPIP for combination of datasets

L_cut_PIP_600.tar (file archive)

Same format as "PIP.tar" except that only protein pairs are listed for which LPIP > 600.

L_cut_PIP_300.tar (file archive)

Same format as "PIE.tar" except that only protein pairs are listed for which LPIP > 300.

PIT.tar (file archive)

Each filename represents the name of a protein (ORF).

In each file:
Column 1: Partner protein name (ORF)
Column 2: Likelihood ratio LPIE
Column 3: Likelihood ratio LPIP
Column 4: Likelihood ratio LPIT = LPIE LPIP


Column 1: Protein name 1 (ORF)
Column 2: Protein name 2 (ORF)
Column 3: Essentiality value (see supplementary table S1)

Functional similarity data (file archive)

Column 1: Protein name 1 (ORF)
Column 2: Protein name 2 (ORF)
Column 3: Functional similarity value of either MIPS or GO biological process (see supplementary text)

mRNA expression data

Column 1: Protein name 1 (ORF)
Column 2: Protein name 2 (ORF)
Column 3: mRNA expression correlation value (see supplementary text)


Column 1: Protein name 1 (ORF)
Column 2: Protein name 2 (ORF)
Column 3: Complex ID
Column 4: Complex name
Column 5: Number of proteins in complex


Column 1: Protein name 1 (ORF)
Column 2: Protein name 2 (ORF)
Column 3: Subcellular localization of protein 1
Column 4: Subcellular localization of protein 2