Sample Depth Water Depth Temperature Salinity Chlorophyll Acidity Pollution Shipping Climate Change UV App. oxygen util. Disolved oxygen Nitrate Phosphate Silicate Upwelling, Fernandina Island 12 19.6 18.6 33.4 0.35 0.66396 0 0 0 0.8562 0.0936 4.7557 2.7934 0.5233 3.5775 Warm seep, Roca Redonda 19 19 26.9 33.4 0.39 0.66396 0 0 0 0.8562 0.0936 4.7557 2.7934 0.5233 3.5775 Wolf Island 1.7 71 21.8 34.5 0.28 0.68844 0 0 0 0.69413 0.0197 4.742 2.2844 0.4534 3.033 Cabo Marshall, Isabella Island 2.1 67 25.8 34.6 0.65 0.66396 0 0 0 0.8562 0.0936 4.7557 2.7934 0.5233 3.5775 North James Bay, Santigo Island 2.1 12 26.2 34.5 0.4 0.6516 0 0 0 0.82948 0.4287 4.6346 4.6337 0.6428 4.3457 North Seamore Island 2.1 35 27.5 33.4 0.36 0.6516 0 0 0 0.82948 0.4287 4.6346 4.6337 0.6428 4.3457 Devil's Crown, Floreana Island 2.2 2.3 25.5 34.9 0.4 0.67624 0.05731 0.098245 0 0.88094 0.3161 4.7096 5.7386 0.7175 5.2764 Coastal Floreana 2 156 25.5 33.4 0.35 0.67624 0.05731 0.098245 0 0.88094 0.3161 4.7096 5.7386 0.7175 5.2764 Equatorial Pacific TAO Buoy 1.8 3334 28 33.4 0.21 0.68844 0.05731 0.098245 0.41991 0.88094 0.283 4.7242 7.6812 0.8304 5.3327 134 miles NE of Galapagos 2 2386 27.8 32.6 0.22 0.67624 0.090835 0.15571 0 0.88094 0.0492 4.7233 2.2679 0.4351 2.9111 30 miles from Cocos Island 2 1139 28.7 32.6 0.07 0.68844 0 0 0 0.69413 -0.051 4.675 1.4119 0.3153 2.0615 250 miles from Panama City 2 2431 29.3 32.3 0.33 0.67624 0 0 0 0.69413 -0.1062 4.6795 0.5047 0.2962 2.0459 201 miles from F. Polynesia 30 2400 28.6 37.3 0.39 0.851 0 0 0 0.36673 -0.1473 4.6152 2.6111 0.4737 1.5411 Rangirora Atoll 1 10 27.3 34.2 0.39 0.82866 0.090835 0.15571 0 0.53724 -0.0937 4.5834 0.2471 0.281 1.3177 Rosario Bank 1.7 4470 27.4 35.4 0.14 0.90565 0.16466 0.098245 0.64156 0.82948 -0.0026 4.533 0.8651 0.1445 2.227 Yucatan Channel 2 4513 27 35.8 0.13 0.90565 0.17193 0.29473 0.67046 0.80044 -0.0147 4.5463 0.5356 0.171 1.6812 Northeast of Colon 1.7 3336 27.7 35.4 0.23 0.82866 0.14814 0.25396 0.70176 0.73345 -0.0298 4.52 0.0143 0.0564 2.4389 Gulf of Mexico 2 3333 26.4 35.8 0.16 0.87306 0.22924 0.39298 0.60691 0.76862 -0.0776 4.6422 0.4825 0.1061 1.5123 Sargasso Sea, Hydrostation S 5 4200 22.9 36.7 0.1 0.88399 0.29315 0.15571 0.60135 0.69413 -0.0915 4.9659 0.1755 0.0372 0.8757 Off Key West, FL 1.7 47 25 36 0.2 0.89486 0.28393 0.48672 0.47423 0.69413 -0.0578 4.6352 0.5456 0.0991 1.5391 South of Charleston, SC 1 31 18.6 33.4 1.7 0.92705 0.3687 0.22812 0 0.76862 0.033 4.8453 0.457 0.1096 0.8683 Gulf of Panama 1.6 76 27.6 30.7 0.5 0.82866 0.39534 0.27581 0.46215 0.73345 -0.1196 4.6498 1.5516 0.2546 4.1844 Off Nags Head, NC 2.1 20 9.3 33.4 3 0.83987 0.3981 0.39298 0.48553 0.76862 -0.035 5.5714 1.0027 0.3365 2.4664 Cape May, NJ 1 10 12 31 2 0.77157 0.21102 0.098245 0.38477 0.69413 -0.1257 6.0004 1.3993 0.3993 1.6676 Block Island, NY 1 32 11 31 4 0.66396 0.34258 0.15571 0.64156 0.69413 -0.1136 6.3027 2.2065 0.4745 2.3976 Outside Halifax, Nova Scotia 2 142 17.3 28.3 0.4 0.58845 0.38442 0.19649 0.69193 0.64956 -0.1418 7.0984 1.1909 0.4802 1.8922 Gulf of Maine 1 106 18.2 29.2 1.4 0.6516 0.16089 0.27581 0.55654 0.5981 -0.1706 6.7809 3.4642 0.5457 2.8549 Browns Bank, Gulf of Maine 1 119 11.7 29.9 1.4 0.6516 0.090835 0.15571 0.55654 0.69413 -0.1464 6.7759 2.9871 0.5031 2.5847 Northern Gulf of Maine 1 139 17.9 31.7 1.4 0.56255 0.090835 0.15571 0.60135 0.5981 -0.1771 7.1195 3.3112 0.5985 2.9471