The program nVradii.exe creates 6 files (for more detail on nVradii.exe go here). Of the six, these programs process the two files with volume or surface area data for the 173 raw residue atoms: *.vol173.* & *.surf173.* files, where all 173 are different from each other. In brief, acts on either of the two aforementioned output files to find the results for the N atom types used. uses these N atom types to recreate the 173 residue atom file. This predicted 173 residue atom file is different from the raw 173 residue atom file in that not all values are unique. The processes either of the 173 residue atom files to extract just the total residue volumes. (For more detail see below.)
NR Voss, MB Gerstein
Calculation of standard atomic volumes for RNA and comparison with proteins: RNA is packed more tightly.
J Mol. Biol. v346(2): 2005, pp 477-492.
Form: < [*.vol173.*] > [*.atom-vols.*]
Input File : [*.vol173.*] - raw 173 residue atom output file of volumes from nVradii.exe.
Output File : [*.atom-vols.*] - volumes collapsed into N atom types.
Dependencies : looks for [*.resi-defs.*] defined at the top of the [*.vol173.*] (usw. on the first line). Note, the path must be correct to the [*.resi-defs.*]. If not, the script will not find the file and will then bomb out.
Form: < [*.atom-vols.*] > [*.vol173predicted.*]
Input File : [*.atom-vols.*] - volumes collapsed into N atom types.
Output File : [*.vol173predicted.*] - predicted 173 residue atom file of volumes.
Dependencies : looks for [*.resi-defs.*] defined at the top of the [*.atom-vols.*] (usw. on the first line). Note, the path must be correct to the [*.resi-defs.*]. If not, the script will not find the file and will then bomb out.
Form: < [*.vol173.*] or [*.vol173predicted.*] > [*.residue-vols.*]
Input File : [*.vol173.*] or [*.vol173predicted.*] - either the raw or the predicted 173 residue atom file of volumes.
Output File : [*.residue-vols.*] - residue volumes foreach amino acid.
Dependencies : None.
Examples of the data