Gencode 3c annotation file "gencode.v3c.annotation.GRCh37.gtf" is downloaded from:, and is then parsed to generate "interval" and "isoformMap" files. Note that the gtf file is 1-based inclusive. "interval" files are generated using either CDS or Exon features in "gencode.v3c.annotation.GRCh37.gtf". "interval" files contain annotations for a transcript, the 8 columns are transcript ID,chromosome,strand,start,end,exon/CDS number,starts and ends for each individual exon/CDS. Note that "interval" file coordinates are 0-based, half-open(start position is inclusive, and end position is not inclusive). "isoformMap" files are generated using "interval" files, the transcripts with same gene ID are clustered together. The 2 columns are gene cluster ID and transcript ID. Files are generated by Lukas Habbeger@Gersteinlab. Files based on CDS annotations: gencode.v3c.annotation.GRCh37.cds.gtpc.ttpc.interval gencode.v3c.annotation.GRCh37.cds.gtpc.ttpc.isoformMap Files based on Exon annotations: gencode.v3c.annotation.GRCh37.exon.gtpc.ttpc.interval gencode.v3c.annotation.GRCh37.exon.gtpc.ttpc.isoformMap Please note that: gtpc means: gene type = protein coding ttpc means: transcript type = protein coding Hence, entries in the gtf file that match this description are included in the interval files.