Progress Report 2005


Prof Gerstein was a co-PI on an NSF grant DMS 0241160 (“Statistical and Computational Approaches for Integrated Genomics and Proteomics Analysis” with a total award of $1,200,000 from 1/1/2003 to 12/31/2005, PI Hongyu Zhao). As part of Prof Gerstein's work for this grant, he published papers focused on developing various statistical and computational strategies to integrate diverse data types for the inference of biological pathways, with a special focus on transcriptional regulatory pathways. For example, in a Nature paper (Luscombe et al. 2004), we described a genomic analysis of regulatory network dynamics that revealed large topological changes. Statistical modeling and analysis, high-performance computing, and biological experimental validations are closely tied together in this work (e.g. Carriero et al. 2005).