This directory contains the files for the paper: Beyond Synexpression Relationships: Local Clustering of Time-shifted and Inverted Gene Expression Profiles Identifies New, Biologically Relevant Interactions Jiang Qian, Marisa Dolled-Filhart, Jimmy Lin, Haiyuan Yu, and Mark Gerstein All the files are on the CD-ROM and they are in the following Private web directory: FILE DESCRIPTION: readme.txt This file text.doc The text of the file in Microsoft Word 2000 format. text.pdf The text of the paper in Adobe PDF format local-cluster-fig1.jpg Figure 1 of the paper in jpeg format. local-cluster-fig2.jpg Figure 2 of the paper in jpeg format. local-cluster-fig3.jpg Figure 3 of the paper in jpeg format. local-cluster-fig4.jpg Figure 4 of the paper in jpeg format. local-cluster-fig5.jpg Figure 5 of the paper in jpeg format. local-cluster-fig6.jpg Figure 6 of the paper in jpeg format. local-cluster-table1.jpg Table 1 of the paper in PDF format. Everything in the manuscript should be accessible in electronic form. Please contact me at if there are any difficulties.