Favorite Tweets from Late Nov. '17 Meetings - ERCC9, RSG '17+ misc (#ERCC9,i0exrna17,#RSGDream17, i0rsg17)

  1. @FertigLab Changes in expression come before changes in methylation, contrary to their initial expectations. #rsgdream17
  2. Talk on integrated time-series multi-omics from @FertigLab makes me want to read CoGAPS paper ASAP #RsgDream17 @iscb https://t.co/0NBiOoGFMl
    Talk on integrated time-series multi-omics from @FertigLab makes me want to read CoGAPS paper ASAP #RsgDream17 @iscb pic.twitter.com/0NBiOoGFMl
  3. .@FertigLab cites PatternMarkers & GWCoGAPS for novel data-driven biomarkers via whole transcriptome NMF  https://academic.OUP.com/bioinformatics/article/33/12/1892/2975325  Sparsely decomposes gene expression into patterns #rsgdream17
  4. .@FertigLab presents dynamics of therapeutic response in cancer. Focusing on EGFR inhibitors #rsgdream17
  5. Ziga Avsec presents his poster "Modeling positional effects of regulatory sequences with spline transformations increases prediction accuracy of DNN" at #RSGDream17 - paper now online  https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx727 
  6. Outstanding keynote by Christina Leslie on epigenomic signatures distinguishing 'reprogrammable' vs. 'non-reprogrammable' immune cells, and cell surface markers that can be used to distinguish them to guide cancer immunotherapy #RSGDream17  https://twitter.com/markgerstein/status/932329278729015307 
  7. It is hard to bridge cutting edge data-science and cutting edge immunotherapy/the clinical side of things: Christina Leslie of MSKCC shows us how it’s done! #RsgDream17 pic.twitter.com/H68KkbuLhx
  8. @anshulkundaje @RalucaGordan I might have transcribed it wrongly but my impression was @RalucaGordan indicated that binding events in open chromatin regions appear "stronger" than otherwise #rsgdream17
  9. Leslie cites "Chromatin states define tumour-specific T cell dysfunction and reprogramming"  https://www.Nature.com/articles/nature22367  Has changing ATAC-seq peaks & gene expression betw. tumor & normal #rsgdream17
  10. Parida's talk has lots of useful #DataScience buzzwords: 3Vs for data (= velocity, volume, variety) + WfG (@IBMWatson for Genomics) as a transparent, comprehensive, navigable, & scaleable system + the hologenome for microbiome #rsgdream17
  11. @IBMWatson Genomics for Cancer cure. Excellent insights by Laxmi Parida at #RSGDream17
  12. Ooh. Interest piqued: Laxmi Parida talking about IBMResearch's findings working with the @Genographic Project genomics data ... #RSGDREAM17
  13. Amazing talk on ribothrypsis by Manolis Maragkakis uncovers new mechanisms of ribo-stalling and mRNA degradation  http://mourelatos.med.upenn.edu/index.php/team/manolis-maragkakis/  #RSGDream17
  14. .@RalucaGordan reviews many key biases in chipseq - eg DS breaks depend on nt seq., PCR amplification, stronger signal related to open chromatin & high expression, different results w/ diff. antibodies (particularly variable in ENCODE comparisons for ATF2) #rsgdream17
  15. Raluca Gordon: Chip-seq =/= in vivo binding. Combine multiple assays! #RSGDream17
  16. Bayesian nets, linear deconvolution, adaptive multitask lasso & deep learning all before 12pm. Feeling at home at #RSGDREAM17 🤓
  17. Nice keynote by @dana_peer at #RSGDREAM17 Single cell RNAseq expts w/ high dropout use a little MAGIC, good application of manifold learning
  18. #rsgdream17 made it to the fourth talk before a deep learning appearance (LINCS signature learning). I would have guessed fewer.
  19. Castro in @RichBonneauNYU lab: Use TF activities to model gene expression via inferred networks. Using Adaptive Lasso (w/ a variety of sparse & block penalties) #rsgdream17
  20. Single va Multitask learning and Network Inference from @RichBonneauNYU #RsgDream17
  21. A MAGICal keynote. Now Ryan Peckner on deconvolution of next gen mass spec data #RSGDream17
  22. Dana Pe'er: a potential downside of MAGIC is reduction of true stochasticity in the data #RSGDream17
  23. From Peer, some key aspects of MAGIC: recovers gene-gene relationships, archetypical cell states & shape (manifold) data. Allows one see entire EMT from a single time point #rsgdream17
  24. Dana Pe’er from @sloan Kettering kicking off #RSGDream17 talking about computation and single cell approaches to cancer pic.twitter.com/ciGvgSzwny
  25. Conceptual extension of the canonical model of drivers and passengers in cancer by @markgerstein from https://t.co/pKsM8vXEaM (nicely summarizing a bunch of papers I've read recently) https://t.co/TvulpVjv7Y
    Conceptual extension of the canonical model of drivers and passengers in cancer by @markgerstein from  http://lectures.gersteinlab.org/summary/Mutations-in-2500-cancer-genomes--20171104-i0gi2017/  (nicely summarizing a bunch of papers I've read recently) pic.twitter.com/TvulpVjv7Y
  26. Great talks at ISG 5yr Anniversary! Characterizing genomes w/ new methods, software, sequencing tools @markgerstein @graveley @ENCODE_NIH
  27. Janos Zempleni: Exosomes in cow milk and encapsulated RNA can survive pasteurization and are taken up by human (&🐁) intestinal cells! #ERCC9
  28. Rozowsky: the pipeline ( http://github.gersteinlab.org/exceRpt ) hows differences in exo-/endo- genous profiles across body fluids #ERCC9
  29. Looking forward to trying out exceRpt pipeline when back home... #ERCC9
  30. Joel Rozowsky @Yale: exceRpt extracellular RNA-Seq processing pipeline #ERCC9 https://t.co/ETSvErXkdA
    Joel Rozowsky @Yale: exceRpt extracellular RNA-Seq processing pipeline #ERCC9 pic.twitter.com/ETSvErXkdA
  31. Milosavljevic: Does the exRNA atlas lend itself to deconvolution? A: Carrier-specific exRNA profiles can detected across body fluids #ERCC9
  32. Milosavljevic: ~100 miRNAs present in reasonably high abundance in each body fluid (except for urine) #ERCC9
  33. Aleks Milosavljevic @BCMHouston: Biological insights from exRNA Atlas through cross-study analysis https://t.co/8q5nwTm2Hs #ERCC9 https://t.co/OVzawfPAwK
    Aleks Milosavljevic @bcmhouston: Biological insights from exRNA Atlas through cross-study analysis  http://exrna-atlas.org  #ERCC9 pic.twitter.com/OVzawfPAwK
  34. attending #ERCC9. Looking forward to learning and sharing our capabilities on RNA and exosome detection at single particle level
  35. Seda Kilinc Avsarglu: Overexpressed oncogenes are released from tumour cells in extracellular vesicles. #ERCC9
  36. Seda Kilinc Avsaroglu @UCSF: Oncogene-regulated production and release of EVs and exRNAs https://t.co/djc9lGR5bl #ERCC9 https://t.co/sUI6QC4VMt
    Seda Kilinc Avsaroglu @UCSF: Oncogene-regulated production and release of EVs and exRNAs  http://www.oncogenes.net  #ERCC9 pic.twitter.com/sUI6QC4VMt
  37. Dixon: shows that the RBP HuR enhances uptake of RNAs into EVs & is up-regulated in colon cancer #ERCC9
  38. Daniel Dixon @KUMedCenter RNA binding protein HuR regulates EV secretion in colorectal cancer #ERCC9
  39. Sukhbir Kaur @NIH_NCI: EVs sorted based on surface tags (CD63,CD47,MHC Class 1) have distinct ncRNA / miRNA profiles #ERCC9