Future Opportunities for Genome Sequencing and Beyond:
A Planning Workshop for the National Human Genome Research Institute
July 28-29, 2014
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Rd.
Bethesda, MD
The documents and links described in Item 1 b through g below contain information that will not directly be presented at the workshop. These documents are summaries of the current progress of the components of the existing NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program, and are important background for the workshop discussions. The most important documents to read are marked with an asterisk. In putting together this workshop, we made the decision to focus on the science going forward, but the current program is an important context for that.
The documents under Item 2 are to provide orientation to each of the breakout sessions. If you are assigned to a breakout session, please take a look at the related breakout document.
We received a number of thoughtful suggestions for breakout 5, but in the end decided not to have a separate session, but that the topics should be integrated into the other breakouts. The list of topic proposals is posted; we ask that everyone please take a look at these before the breakout sessions begin.
The materials on this web site are intended as background information for the workshop. The program summaries (documents 1b, 1f, and 1g) were authored by the program grantees and should not be distributed further without direct permission of NHGRI and the authors. All other documents, including the workshop agenda and all other background documents may be re-distributed. The material available through Web links is already publicly available.
Best regards, and looking forward to seeing you on the 28th,
1. Program Background Documents
2. Breakout Documents
Created: June 25, 2014
Contact shannon.biello@nih.gov with any questions.